International projects

2020 - PRESENT

Tinet - Kenya

Tinet is our most important and biggest project at EWBBU. This project was just initiated a couple of years ago, and despite the pandemic, EWBBU has made significant progress in bringing this project to the reality. The project consists of multiple steps and is still being in progress today.




Approving and cinstruction

2022 -


What did we do in Kenya?

The first step in the project was planning. EWBBU made sure the right materials are selected as well as are available locally. Travel considerations take place too.

In this stage, EWBBU designs the whole project on paper. The members engage in making design drawing as well as creating CAD models. The project is being approved by the EWB-USA branch, and after approval the project is ready to be implemented.

In this stage EWBBU implements project. Because recent years have been pandemic, EWBBU relied on local connections and forces. The current stage included making a water source hole for future tanks and implementing solar panels for the power.